3 Home Energy Evaluation Facts You Need to Know Now

What can a home energy evaluation detect?

If your utility bills have been increasing steadily for months, don't just start looking for replacement equipment right away or overhauling your entire life to cut back on energy use. These aren't always the best solutions in 2013 especially since other culprits could be behind the higher bills. Instead, start turning things around with a home energy evaluation.

An energy evaluation can pick up on issues the typical homeowner can't. When an energy evaluation is performed by an experienced and reliable HVAC service provider, you can start saving immediately. How?

1. Heating and cooling costs are among the highest expenses within most homes. They typically account for more than half of your utility bills every month. This means that if your electric bill starts going up, your heating and cooling are most likely the cause. An energy evaluation can identify inefficiencies in your heating and cooling system, so you can lock down these costs.

2. Air can escape in many ways. If your costs are continuing to rise while your comfort decreases or stays the same, this could mean you have leakage. A home energy evaluation can help pinpoint the locations of any leaks.

3. A home energy evaluation comes with a range of solutions. If a main door has worn out weather stripping, you can easily repair this right away. If there are more serious issues to address, such as air sealing, you can obtain financing in order to fix the problem without delay.

Take the first step to lower your bills by scheduling a home energy evaluation. Set up a visit with GSM Services today.