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Ductless Heating & Cooling Systems

Contrary to popular belief, ductless heating and cooling systems are quite popular for homeowners desiring to keep their heating and cooling needs simple.

These systems allow occupants to control and adjust singular rooms to maintain their comfort without using extra energy to cool or heat other rooms that are not being used. Ductless systems, also sometimes referred to as “mini splits,” provide the opportunity to zone a home and consume only the energy needed, all while maintaining consistent room temperatures.

You may be wondering, how much do ductless heating and cooling systems cost?

For a single wall mount system, a good starting price would be $4,800 on the low spectrum, and as you add more indoor units, the price increases depending on the size and number of units desired. Something to keep in mind, though, is that many variables may cause price to fluctuate such as location, electrical, and ease of access.

Whether you decide to purchase a traditional HVAC system, or perhaps the ductless system, we would be more than happy to answer any questions and help you explore your options!