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Feeling Cold, Dry Air in Your Home?

Does the air in your home feel particularly dry during the winter months? To no one’s surprise, this is actually a common issue that we hear from homeowners. In the past, the seemingly obvious fix in our industry was to install a whole system humidifier, but as we have learned more about analyzing homes as a system, we have discovered that it’s more beneficial to work on the direct source of the problem instead of its symptoms.

So, what causes that bone dry air consuming your home? Well, the dry air can actually be considered a warning sign for another problem. Issues with low humidity inside the house are most often caused by air leaks, particularly those that allow colder air to migrate into your living spaces. The overall issue is made worse during the winter through what can be labeled as a “stack effect.” Warmer air likes to rise and escape through upper parts of the home, particularly when there are air leaks in the ceiling. That air is then replaced by the cold, dry air that is coming into the house from the crawlspace. No one wants to breathe nasty crawlspace contaminants!

Fortunately, there is a permanent, long-term fix that is less expensive and more reliable than adding a humidifier. Slowing down the leaks by air sealing will improve your comfort and reduce your utility costs. Humidifiers simply provide a cover up, and use more electricity and water to regularly operate. As a homeowner, you want the best possible solution for the health of your family and the longevity of your space.

Think you may be experiencing a similar problem? We’re here to help! Call GSM Services today and we will have one of our expertly trained Comfort Advisors evaluate your home and provide you with a free, no obligation estimate on the best solutions.